Poll: Over Half of Arab Israelis Feel Sense of "Shared Destiny" with Jews

(Times of Israel) Gianluca Pacchiani - 51.6% of Arab Israelis feel that the prolonged war against Hamas in Gaza has given rise to a sense of "shared destiny" between Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel, according to a recent survey by the Moshe Dayan Center at Tel Aviv University. Arik Rudnitzky, Director of the Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation, who led the survey, said that for "Israel's Arab citizens... sympathizing with Palestinians in Gaza is not the same as identifying with their political leadership." "In fact, a significant part of the survey's respondents believe that local elements in Gaza, and not Hamas, should govern life in Gaza after the war, and another third say that a non-Palestinian body should do this." Only 15% said Hamas should run Gaza.

2024-06-23 00:00:00

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