Western Hamasniks Must Come to Terms with Israel's Existence

(Jewish Chronicle-UK) Alex Hearn - The subjugation of Jews is a core motivation behind the Israel-Hamas conflict. Hamas believes that Israel - which it sees as a tiny state of weak Jews - is the only obstacle to its religious empire. It will go to any lengths to destroy the infernal Jewish state whose very existence contradicts Hamas's claim to religious superiority. And unlike other regimes in the region, Hamas is happy to shed any amount of blood to fulfill its Islamist ideal. Now, many in the West are resonating with this murderous vision. Oct. 7 gave us a glimpse into a pre-Israel world - and the most likely scenario in the event of a post-Israel world. Before Israel existed, the majority of its Jewish citizens lived a precarious existence in the Middle East with inferior rights. Palestinians certainly aren't going anywhere, but neither are Israelis because, unlike colonial communities, they are home and living in their motherland. The West needs to come to terms with this reality. Until that happens, support for Hamas's perpetual war of elimination will only get more Palestinians and Jews killed.

2024-06-23 00:00:00

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