Gunfire, Lawlessness and Looting Gangs Are Preventing Aid Distribution in Gaza

(AP) Menelaos Hadjicostis - Thousands of tons of food, medicines and other aid piled up on a beach in Gaza is not reaching those in need because of a dire security situation and a "general sense of lawlessness," said Doug Stropes, with the U.S. Agency for International Development. Truck drivers are getting caught in the crossfire or have their cargo seized by marauding gangs. Since June 25, ships have delivered almost 7,000 metric tons of humanitarian assistance from Cyprus to Gaza via the U.S.-built pier, but only 1,000 metric tons have so far reached Palestinians. The rest is being stored on the beach by the pier. Looting has become "more organized and systemic," undermining aid efforts, Stropes said.

2024-06-30 00:00:00

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