Israel's Security Cabinet Okays Sanctioning PA Officials

(Times of Israel) Israel's Security Cabinet has approved a series of sanctions against the Palestinian Authority, Cabinet Secretary Yossi Fuchs confirmed. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said the move came "in light of Palestinian Authority action at the International Criminal Court, International Court of Justice, the UN, the [pending] arrest warrants against the country's leaders, and its push for unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state." Among the steps taken were the cancellation of various benefits for officials; cancellation of exit visas for PA officials and restrictions on their movement; "enforcement action against incitement" by PA officials; and the transfer of enforcement responsibilities from the PA to Israel in a nature preserve in the Judean desert that has seen unbridled Palestinian building activity, damaging heritage sites and the environment. At the same time, the Finance Minister will unfreeze tax funds withheld from the Palestinian Authority and extend a waiver allowing Israeli banks to work with their Palestinian counterparts.

2024-06-30 00:00:00

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