Hamas Wants to Be Able to Continue to Threaten Israel after Ceasefire Deal

(Ynet News) Ron Ben-Yishai - A report published Thursday in the Washington Post by David Ignatius claims that Hamas has agreed to relinquish its civilian governance of Gaza to Palestinian elements that are neither Hamas nor representatives of the Palestinian Authority. Behind this concept lies Hamas's longstanding intention to mimic Hizbullah's operational model in Lebanon, allowing it to focus and invest all its resources on "resistance," meaning war with Israel. As the strongest military force in Gaza, it will still dictate what happens behind the scenes, with civilian officials acting as its executors. This is how Hizbullah operates in Lebanon. Alongside the civilian administration, there will be a security force funded and operated by the U.S. and Arab countries, made up not by Arab soldiers but by mercenaries hired by private security companies to safeguard humanitarian aid, oversee its distribution, prevent looting, and perform general policing and law enforcement tasks.

2024-07-14 00:00:00

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