Former Palestinian Minister: Hamas Launched an Escapade on Oct. 7 that Led to the Loss of Gaza

(MEMRI) On July 3, 2024, former PA prisoners affairs minister Ashraf Al-Ajrami wrote in the Palestinian daily Al-Ayyam that Hamas is deluded, because the Oct. 7, 2023, attack did not liberate the Palestinians. "What do we have today, except for tremendous destruction and division, and no vision whatsoever regarding the day after the war? This will bring us to a new Nakba, greater than that of 1948." "Whoever believes that we will quickly restore Gaza to the way it was before the war, if not [to a better state], is completely delusional. According to the UN, restoring Gaza to the way it was before will take at least 20 years. We lost more than 40,000 citizens who were killed, and more than 80,000 were wounded. Furthermore, we have lost most of our assets in Gaza, including infrastructure that was built over decades." "So has the 'resistance' led to liberation?...Absolutely not. On the contrary, it [has led to] greater damage, whose price we will pay for generations to come." Hamas must "face reality by recognizing that it perpetrated an ill-considered escapade that led to the loss of Gaza."

2024-07-14 00:00:00

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