Expert: How Israel Can Meet the Drone Challenge

(Media Line-Jerusalem Post) Keren Setton - Iran fired 170 drones toward Israel in April. The Houthis and Hizbullah have also launched attack drones at Israel. "The drones may have been assembled by Houthi or Hizbullah terrorists, but all the drones fired at Israel since the beginning of the war are manufactured, designed, and financed by Iran," said Rotem Mey-Tal, CEO of Asgard Systems, a military technology company specializing in defense, homeland security, and aerospace. "Most of Iran's defense budget is allocated to its proxies." "Israel is the most defended country in the world in terms of air defense, although there cannot be complete 100% defense," Mey-Tal said. "The challenge that drones pose is great. They fly very low for a very, very long time, and it is very difficult for radars to detect them." He says the way to thwart the threat is to use satellite imaging and artificial intelligence (AI)-based acoustic detection sensors that will recognize the different noises that drones generate and other intelligence abilities. The Ukrainian military has been frequently using electronic warfare and signal jamming systems to thwart drones, something that is now of great interest to Israel.

2024-07-25 00:00:00

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