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U.S. Pressure on Israel Reduces Chances of Regional Peace 2024-September-05
Suspension of Military Aid to Israel Is an Embarrassing Mistake2024-September-03
Iran Uses Houthis to Blockade Israel and Take Over the Red Sea2024-September-03
Saudi Expert Cites Israeli Military Superiority over Iran2024-August-06
Team Biden No Longer Sees Detente with Iran as Viable2024-July-25
Al Jazeera - Feeding the Muslim Brotherhood's Political Agenda to the Arab World2024-June-20
Will Allowing Hamas to Survive Lead to Israeli-Saudi Normalization?2024-June-11
U.S. Seeks to Up Pressure on Houthis in Yemen 2024-June-09
A Provisional Civil Administration in Gaza Is an Ethical Imperative2024-June-06
Saudi Arabia Builds Its Defense Industrial Capability2024-June-06
Poll: 64 Percent of Israelis Oppose Establishment of Palestinian State in Return for Saudi Deal2024-May-30
How to Reduce Islamist Terrorism Worldwide and Weaken the Iranian Regime 2024-May-19
The American Administration Is Guilty of Wishful Thinking 2024-May-16
Saudis Push for "Plan B" Deal with U.S. that Excludes Israel2024-May-02
U.S. Pushes Postwar Plan for Gaza2024-April-30
Why Israel Didn't Clobber Iran2024-April-21
U.S. Universities Must Stop Tolerating Antisemitism 2024-April-21
Is the Palestinian Authority Trying to Return to Gaza? 2024-April-18
Saudi Arabia Acknowledges Helping Defend Israel Against Iran2024-April-16
How the U.S. Forged a Fragile Middle Eastern Alliance to Repel Iran's Attack on Israel 2024-April-16
In a Sane Universe, the Democratic World Would Pull Behind Israel until the War Is Won2024-March-25
U.S. Fails to Understand What This War Means to Israel2024-March-17
What the New York Times Left Out of Its "Starving Gaza Children" Story 2024-March-15
Houthi Missile Strike Kills Three Civilians on Cargo Ship2024-March-07
Houthis Knock Out Underwater Cables Linking Europe to Asia2024-February-27
In Private, Arab States Are Rooting for Israel to Destroy Hamas2024-February-26
What Will Happen to Hamas?2024-February-26
Unfreezing the Abraham Accords2024-February-25
Arab States Reluctant to Come to the Palestinians' Aid2024-February-23
The U.S. Peace Plan Ensures the Survival of Hamas2024-February-18
Will Hamas Be Allowed to Win the War?2024-February-18
The Moral Bankruptcy of the West: Accepting Terrorist Propaganda as Truth 2024-February-18
U.S., Arab Nations Plan for Postwar Gaza, Palestinian State2024-February-15
The Houthi Bypass: Goods Move Overland via Saudi Arabia and Jordan to Haifa 2024-February-14
Israel Deploys New Military Artificial Intelligence in Gaza War2024-February-12
Is the U.S. Misreading the Middle East?2024-February-07
Security Experts View "Day After" War Ends in Gaza2024-January-28
Netanyahu Is Not Alone in Opposing a Palestinian State2024-January-23
Hamas, Inc.: The Property Empire that Funded Militant Attack on Israel 2024-January-23
Stop Punishing Our Allies while Rewarding Iran2024-January-21
Can Israel Have Peace with Saudi Arabia? 2024-January-14
Why China Is Siding with the Palestinians in the Israel-Hamas War2024-January-07
Israel Must Send a Clear Message to the U.S. 2024-January-03
French Report Details Hamas Buildup to October 7 Attacks2023-December-29
Senior Israeli Official: PA Can't Rule Post-War Gaza2023-December-22
Under Iran's Auspices, Houthis Turn Red Sea into Strategic Threat Zone 2023-December-17
Saudi Arabia Would Quietly Welcome the Demise of Hamas2023-December-05
Israel Considers How to Remove Threat of Hamas Fighters in Gaza2023-December-01
Experts Warn Hamas in Holy War Against Western Civilization2023-November-30
Saudi Arabia Envisions Gaza without Hamas2023-November-28

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