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U.S. to Hand Iraqi Police Lead Role in Volatile Town2003-November-19
U.S. Officers in Iraq Find Few Signs of Infiltration by Foreign Fighters2003-November-19
Synagogue Bombings Highlight Dangers for U.S. Allies2003-November-18
Syrian Opposition Meets in Washington2003-November-18
Why Condemn Israel for Fighting Back?2003-November-18
Secret Memo Details Saddam-bin Laden Ties2003-November-17
Top Iraqi Scientist Flees2003-November-17
British Olympic Hope "Was Iraq Suicide Bomber"2003-November-17
It's No Longer Business As Usual for the Saudis2003-November-17
Pentagon Explores Option to Export Northern Iraqi Oil via Israel2003-November-14
Israel Warns of Terrorist Training Bases in Lebanon2003-November-14
Only 5,000 Guerrillas in Iraq, Says U.S.2003-November-14
Syria Faces Test of Wills with Washington2003-November-14
The Humiliation Factor2003-November-14
Revisionist Thoughts on the War on Iraq2003-November-14
For Arab Democracy2003-November-14
At Least 26 Killed in Bombing of Italian Compound in Iraq2003-November-13
CIA Report Suggests Iraqi Losing Faith in U.S. Efforts 2003-November-13
Saudis Suspected in Two Iraq Attacks2003-November-13
Regime Change, Again - Work Undone in Syria2003-November-13
Syria: Reform Efforts Fall Short2003-November-12
"Unhelpful" Syria2003-November-12
The Duality of Iraq2003-November-10
Iraq Seen as al-Qaeda's Top Battlefield2003-November-10
Rajoub to Arabs: Resist U.S. in Iraq 2003-November-10
Pentagon: Covert Force Hunts Hussein, bin Laden2003-November-07
Former CIA Director Calls for Tougher Policy on Syria2003-November-07
Perle: Iran "Up to Eyeballs" in Terror2003-November-07
Muslim Militants from Europe Drawn to Iraq2003-November-05
Sabotage Still Clogs Iraq's Oil2003-November-04
Three Approaches for Ending the Conflict2003-November-03
Seized Intelligence Files Spur U.S. Investigations2003-November-03
Saddam Was Sure of Own Survival2003-November-03
16 GIs Killed, 20 Hurt as Missile Downs U.S. Copter in Iraq2003-November-03
Turkey is Still a Reliable U.S. Ally2003-October-31
No Deployment of Turkish Troops in Iraq2003-October-31
U.S. Slowly Scaling Back Role in Israel 2003-October-31
Senior Saddam Aide Said Working with Islamists on Iraqi Suicide Bombings2003-October-31
U.S. Officials See Hussein's Hand in Attacks on Americans in Iraq2003-October-31
UK Media Blasted Over Israel2003-October-31
"If You Harbor a Terrorist"2003-October-31
Should Hizballah Be Next?2003-October-31
Iraq is No Vietnam2003-October-30
Iraqis See Israel as Culprit in Bombings2003-October-30
Poll: 59% of Europeans Say Israel is Greatest Threat to World Peace 2003-October-30
Videotape Shows Saddam's Men Torturing Iraqis2003-October-30
Iraqis Removed Arms Material, U.S. Official Says2003-October-29
Muslim Radicals in UK Training New Suicide Bombers2003-October-29
Bush Reviews Middle East Policy2003-October-29

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