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A Holocaust Awareness Awakening in Saudi Arabia 2018-January-29
Trump's Mideast Plan 2018-January-26
The Iranian Military Intervention in Syria: A Look to the Future2018-January-26
Palestinians Must Ditch Old Leaders, Chart New Course 2018-January-22
30 Foreign Military Bases in Syria2018-January-19
Saudi Arabia Shoots Down Yemeni Missile2018-January-17
Iran Violated Yemen Arms Embargo, UN Experts Say 2018-January-15
Saudi-Led Coalition Turns the Tide in Yemen Conflict2018-January-11
U.S. Weighs Cutting Aid to Palestinian Refugees 2018-January-10
Israel Seeks to Revive Long Abandoned Railway to Gulf2018-January-10
Video: A Changed Saudi Arabia2018-January-03
Turkish Base in Sudan a Problem for Saudi Arabia, Egypt 2018-January-01
Letting Saudi Arabia Host a Chess Tournament Was a Big Mistake2017-December-29
Why This Muslim Writes in a Jewish Newspaper 2017-December-29
Israel Applauds Egyptian Writer's Remarks on Jerusalem2017-December-28
Displeased with Palestinians, Arab States Chart New Jerusalem Policy 2017-December-26
Israel Excluded from Saudi-Hosted Match, Chess Federation Says2017-December-25
The Palestinian Cause Has Lost Its Resonance2017-December-22
Haley: We Must "Expose and Hold Accountable the Iranian Regime's Hostile Actions"2017-December-21
Trump: Iran Enabled Missile Attack on Saudi Arabia2017-December-21
Saudi Academic Says Arabs Should Accept Israel's "Historic Right"2017-December-18
Trump's Statement on Jerusalem Does Not Contradict the Arab Peace Initiative 2017-December-18
Saudi Foreign Minister: U.S. "Serious" about Peace Efforts2017-December-15
Haley Presents Evidence that Iran Violated UN Resolutions 2017-December-15
On Jerusalem, Trump Reveals Hard Truths about Mideast Peace2017-December-15
Netanyahu: If Iran Is Not Stopped, It Will Have a Nuclear Arsenal of 100 Bombs2017-December-15
Saudi Crown Prince Doesn't Want to Talk about Jerusalem 2017-December-15
Islamic Summit on Jerusalem Showcases New Mideast Alliances2017-December-14
U.S. National Security Adviser: Qatar and Turkey Are New Sponsors of Radical Ideology2017-December-13
Saudi Arabia Lifts 35-Year Ban on Movie Theaters 2017-December-12
Why the Jerusalem Announcement Won't Hurt America's Arab Alliances2017-December-08
In the Arab World, the Rallying Cry of Jerusalem May Have Lost Its Force2017-December-07
President Trump Calls Middle East Leaders2017-December-06
Where Was the Fallout When Russia Recognized Jerusalem as Israel's Capital?2017-December-06
U.S. Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's Capital Is a Positive Step 2017-December-06
Why U.S. Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's Capital Is Important 2017-December-05
Netanyahu: We Will Not Allow the Iranian Regime - that Calls for the Destruction of Israel - to Entrench Itself Militarily in Syria2017-December-04
Tehran Is Winning the War for Control of the Middle East2017-December-01
Is Reconciliation between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority Possible?2017-December-01
Saudi TV Host Calls to Allow Israeli Teams to Compete in World Tournaments 2017-November-30
Hizbullah and Iran behind Yemeni Missiles Targeting Saudi Arabia 2017-November-30
Britain Training Saudi Troops to Fight in Yemen2017-November-28
Saudi Journalists and Academics Speak Positively of Israel2017-November-28
Under Pressure, Abbas Retreats from Prosecuting Israel in International Courts2017-November-24
Saudi Arabia's Arab Spring, at Last2017-November-24
Israel and Saudi Arabia: What's Shaping the Covert "Alliance" 2017-November-24
Photos: Israeli Jew Visits Holy Sites across Muslim World2017-November-23
Israeli Man's Photos in Holy Muslim Site Cause Social Media Rage2017-November-23
Territories Taken from the Islamic State Should Not Be Surrendered to the Islamic Republic2017-November-23
How a Saudi-Israeli Alliance Could Benefit the Palestinians2017-November-23

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