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Palestinians Face Sharp Fall in Foreign Funding2017-January-04
Why Iran Wants Naval Bases in Syria and Yemen 2017-January-03
John Kerry's Israel Speech Elicits a Shrug in the Arab World2016-December-30
Obama's Betrayal of Israel at the UN Must Not Stand2016-December-29
An Existential Battle for the Demographic Future of Syria2016-December-21
Is Iran 100 Times Worse than Israel? 2016-December-19
Lapid: Abbas Is Not a Partner for Peace, a Different Mechanism for Peace Talks Is Needed2016-December-19
Intelligence Report: Saudi Arabia and Gulf States "Support Islamic Extremism in Germany"2016-December-16
Israel Ranks 16th in Defense Spending2016-December-16
German Defense Minister Refuses to Cover Up During Visit to Saudi Arabia 2016-December-15
The Syrian War Won't End in Aleppo2016-December-15
U.S. to Halt Some Arms Sales to Saudis, Citing Civilian Deaths in Yemen2016-December-14
Saudis Bankroll Taliban in Afghanistan2016-December-08
Iran Is Stepping Up Cyberattacks2016-December-06
Britain's Muslim Brotherhood Whitewash 2016-December-02
Status of the Syrian Rebellion2016-November-25
An Economic Ultimatum for the Arab World2016-November-23
ISIS Terrorists Charged with Plotting to Assassinate Egypt's Sisi, Saudi Arabia's Prince Nayef2016-November-22
Mosque Loudspeakers Disturb the Arab and Muslim Public Too2016-November-22
PA Becoming Isolated in Arab World 2016-November-21
Israeli Defense Minister: Iran's "Aggressive, Fanatic Leaders Are a Threat to the Whole World"2016-November-18
11 Arab Countries Accuse Iran of Sponsoring Middle East Terror2016-November-15
Is the U.S. Repeating Old Mistakes in the Middle East?2016-November-11
Middle East Looks to America for Leadership 2016-November-10
Hizbullah Ally Set to Become President of Lebanon2016-October-31
Regional Powers Grow Uneasy with Palestinian Leader2016-October-27
Hamas Has Its Sights on the West Bank2016-October-25
A Growing Rift between Saudi Arabia and Egypt? 2016-October-18
Saudi Lobbyist Calls for "Collaborative Alliance" with Israel2016-October-13
Saudi Arabia Switches to Western Calendar to Cut Costs2016-October-07
After Islamic State, Fears of a "Shiite Crescent" in Mideast2016-September-30
Congress Overrides Obama Veto of Bill Allowing 9/11 Lawsuits Against Saudi Arabia 2016-September-29
Countries Who Were "In the Pocket" of the Arabs: The Case of India 2016-September-28
"Arab Quartet" Promotes Rapprochement with Israel2016-September-27
Gaza Palestinians Returning from Haj Smuggle Parts for Explosive Devices2016-September-26
Israel Recommits to Improving Life for Palestinians 2016-September-23
Ideological Fault Lines in the Wreckage of the Arab State System2016-September-22
Iran Cannot Be a Partner in the Struggle Against ISIS 2016-September-21
Israeli National Security Strategy 2016-September-20
How the Saudis Are Coming Clean on Funding Terrorism2016-September-19
The Saudis Have Killer Drones2016-September-15
The Businesses of Mahmoud Abbas and His Sons 2016-September-15
In Saudi Arabia, a Revolution Disguised as Reform 2016-September-13
Israel Strengthening Ties with Gulf Monarchies2016-September-13
Iran and Saudi Arabia Argue Over Which Is the Holiest City2016-September-13
Patterns of Subverson: Iranian Use of Proxies in the Middle East2016-September-09
Remember Iran's Role in 9/112016-September-09
Holy War of Words: Growing Saudi-Iranian Tensions2016-September-08
Israel and Its Arab Neighbors Drawn Together by Iran 2016-September-02
Israel to Transfer Additional Water to Palestinians2016-September-01

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