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Palestinian NGO Terror Links 2021-November-11
Refuting Palestinian Claims about the U.S. Jerusalem Consulate Issue2021-November-11
A Blurred Line between Civil Society and Terrorism: Examining Charges of NGOs Funding the PFLP2021-November-08
The Threat of War Is the Only Way to Achieve Peace with Iran2021-November-01
Israel Did Update the U.S. on Palestinian NGO Terrorist Links2021-October-28
Are the Palestinians Changing their Legal Tactics in the International Courts?2021-October-28
How Denmark, Sweden, the UN, and the EU Got Suckered into Funding a Terror Organization2021-October-25
Israel Outlaws 6 Palestinian NGOs Linked to PFLP Terror Group2021-October-25
Swedish Foreign Minister: Corruption an Obstacle to Economic Support for Palestinian Authority 2021-October-21
New European Survey Finds Anti-Semitism, Anti-Israel Bias 2021-October-21
Israel's Boycotters Are Only Prolonging Conflict in the Middle East 2021-October-21
Why the World Would Be a Lesser Place without Israel2021-October-14
EU Announces Moves to Fight Anti-Semitism while Bankrolling Palestinian Hatred of Jews2021-October-11
Why the Global Energy Crisis Skipped Israel2021-October-11
Quest for More Leverage Drives Iran's Nuclear Stalling Tactic 2021-October-07
Iranians Are Leaving Iran 2021-October-07
Why Arabs Are Annoyed with the Europeans 2021-October-07
EU to Condition UNRWA Funds on Removing Incitement from PA Textbooks2021-September-30
Israel's Technion Rated No. 1 in Artificial Intelligence in Europe2021-September-27
When Israeli and Egyptian Leaders Meet2021-September-15
Israel Is Becoming America's Most Important Ally 2021-September-15
Palestinianism and the New Anti-Semitism2021-September-09
Israeli and U.S. Navy Ships Conduct Joint Security Patrol in Red Sea2021-September-02
Bahraini Think Tank Partners with Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs2021-August-09
Anti-Semitism Is Genuinely Unique among the World's Hatreds2021-July-29
Israeli Foreign Minister to EU: Europe Must Recognize Israel Is Under Attack2021-July-15
Why Arab States Fail2021-July-15
I Resigned from the CUNY Union Because of Its Anti-Semitism 2021-July-15
Some Care about Palestinians Only When They Can Blame Israel2021-July-12
Jerusalem Think Tank Hosts Conference on European Reactions to the Gaza War2021-July-08
Is Israel Really a Settler Colonial State?2021-July-08
EU Commissioner Calls to Reconsider Aid after Anti-Semitism Found in PA Textbooks2021-June-24
Tips for Reading about Israel2021-June-24
Switzerland Adopts IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism 2021-June-07
Why the Biden Administration Shouldn't Rush into a New Iran Deal2021-June-07
Trying to Make Israel vs. Hamas about Race Is Nonsensical and Dangerous 2021-June-03
UN Rights Council Orders Inquiry into Israel after Gaza Strife2021-May-31
Hatred of Jews Hardens Israel's Resolve 2021-May-25
The "Hamas Caucus" in Congress Supports a Designated Terrorist Group2021-May-24
An Open Letter to My Palestinian Brethren 2021-May-21
How Europe Became Pro-Israel2021-May-21
Tell Us, Europe, What Should Israel Do? 2021-May-20
Israel: Palestinian Terror Group Stole Millions from European Aid Donors2021-May-10
Israel Demands that European Countries Stop Funding for Palestinian Organizations Operating on Behalf of the PFLP2021-May-10
The End of Europe's Romance with Palestinian Terror? 2021-May-10
Human Rights Watch Crosses the Line with Latest Attack on Israel 2021-May-06
European Universities Urge EU to Remove Threat of Research Ban on Israel2021-April-29
Foreign Ministry: Israel Not Interfering in Palestinian Elections2021-April-29
Video: Locust Swarm Reaches Southern Israel2021-April-26
Israeli Economy Fared Better than Other Developed Nations during Pandemic2021-April-19

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