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Powell to PA: "Ostracize These Terrorists, Go After Them"

(State Department) Secretary of State Colin Powell said Thursday, "Once again, terrorists have killed innocent people, and at the same time they have struck a blow once more against the aspirations of the Palestinian people to have a homeland of their own. This kind of action has got to stop, and I once again implore the Palestinian leaders, and especially Prime Minister Abu Ala, to do everything in his power, everything in their power, to ostracize these terrorists, to go after them, and to deal with this terrorist activity....I condemn the action of these terrorist organizations and these horrible people who would do this on a civilian bus in the middle of the day." "Syria cannot be serious about wanting a better relationship with Israel, the U.S., or anyone else, as long as it serves as any kind of a transshipment point for weapons that are going to terrorists of the kind who killed innocent people this morning in Jerusalem."
2004-01-29 00:00:00
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