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Israel's Fence and America's Double Standard

(MetroWest Daily News-Boston) Ilana Freedman - The barrier is neither an Apartheid Wall nor a Berlin Wall. Apartheid separated people of color from Caucasians in a cruelly segregated South Africa. The Berlin Wall divided a single, formerly unified city, separating families and severing the ties of commerce between East and West Berlin. Israel's barrier does neither. In the present climate, it is safe to say that Israel and the Palestinians are at war. The wall does not divide a country as much as it separates enemies. For two years, we Americans have been fighting our own war against terrorism. Israel has been fighting the same enemy for many years more. How long, I wonder, would we Americans permit terrorists to blow up our buses and murder our children on the streets of our own cities? Would we not do whatever was necessary to stop the terror and protect our citizens? Israel is the size of New Hampshire, with a population of only 6.5 million people. It is wrong to ask Israel to do less than we would do ourselves when the lives of her citizens are at risk. All too soon, if we do not firmly support Israel in her war against terror, we will be facing the same enemy on our own streets.
2004-02-13 00:00:00
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