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Israel's Handicapped Miracle

(Ynet News) Giulio Meotti - Israel's determination in tackling the physical problems that arise either from natural causes, terrorism or war is astounding and says much about Israel's moral lesson to the world. The Jewish state is in fact the world's most important laboratory for healers of diseases. There is an amazing quantity of research, inventions, and newfound techniques for curing and helping the ill, the blind, and the paralyzed to return to normal life. Scientists at Hebrew University have developed the drug Exelon for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and traumatic brain injuries. The Weizmann Institute has led the development of promising new therapies for acute spinal cord injuries. In Israel it is very common to see children with Down's syndrome in television programs and there are special parks for disabled people. Paraplegic war heroes are the protagonists of soap operas and disabled athletes are extremely successful. 2,248 "children of Chernobyl" were brought to Israel for treatment after the nuclear plant meltdown in Ukraine.
2012-05-03 00:00:00
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