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Palestinian Authority Budgets Nearly $1 Billion for Defense

(Jerusalem Post) Nitsana Darshan-Leitner - The Palestinian Authority's new budget for 2013 allocates almost $1b., about 28% of the total, for defense, compared to 16% for education and 10% for medical services. This includes paying the salaries of 95% of "defense employees" in Hamas-ruled Gaza. Almost $60 million, or 4% of the Palestinian budget, is spent on payments to the families of Palestinian Arab terrorists incarcerated in Israeli prisons. The most murderous long-term terrorists pass on a salary to their relatives which is higher than what their prison guards are making. The writer is director of Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center, which represents terror victims in lawsuits against terror groups, their leaders and state backers.
2013-04-15 00:00:00
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