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(Wall Street Journal Europe) Daniel Schwammenthal - The Israeli company SodaStream is a real-life example of coexistence, a place where Israelis and Palestinians, Jews and Muslims, Druze and Christians work together in peace. To boot, they assemble a product that cuts the production of environmentally damaging beverage containers. It is quite a spectacle to see European companies suggest that it's unethical to do business with Israelis, while so many of their colleagues are flocking for new deals in Iran, the land of public stoning of adulterers and hanging of gays. European governments that now claim to be opposed to such boycotts have in fact long funded a number of non-profits that support the BDS movement. The EU must unequivocally reject the boycott of Israel. And it must warn the Palestinians not to use settlements or any other excuse to break up the peace talks. The writer is director of the AJC Transatlantic Institute. 2014-02-07 00:00:00Full Article
Scarlett Johansson, War Criminal?
(Wall Street Journal Europe) Daniel Schwammenthal - The Israeli company SodaStream is a real-life example of coexistence, a place where Israelis and Palestinians, Jews and Muslims, Druze and Christians work together in peace. To boot, they assemble a product that cuts the production of environmentally damaging beverage containers. It is quite a spectacle to see European companies suggest that it's unethical to do business with Israelis, while so many of their colleagues are flocking for new deals in Iran, the land of public stoning of adulterers and hanging of gays. European governments that now claim to be opposed to such boycotts have in fact long funded a number of non-profits that support the BDS movement. The EU must unequivocally reject the boycott of Israel. And it must warn the Palestinians not to use settlements or any other excuse to break up the peace talks. The writer is director of the AJC Transatlantic Institute. 2014-02-07 00:00:00Full Article
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