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(Times of Israel Jenni Frazer - A letter published in the Guardian on Saturday headlined: "Our Cultural Boycott of Israel Starts Today," signed by 100 British writers, actors, artists and musicians, has been greeted with withering derision. On Monday, an editorial in The Times weighed in, saying, "The egregious campaigns for a cultural boycott of Israel are stoking ugly, atavistic movements in Europe. These need to be confronted by civilized opinion. Israeli governments are fallible but the Jewish state is a force for democracy in a region that is short of it." Dr. Stephen Malnick, a British-born resident of Ashkelon, responded in a letter in Tuesday's Guardian: "As a citizen of Ashkelon who was nearly killed when a missile missed my car by a few meters, I have a message for artists with a selective communal conscience. I do not want you to visit my city and insult 120,000 people who were daily attacked in violation of international law." )2015-02-18 00:00:00Full Article
UK Artists' Boycott of Israel Greeted with Derision
(Times of Israel Jenni Frazer - A letter published in the Guardian on Saturday headlined: "Our Cultural Boycott of Israel Starts Today," signed by 100 British writers, actors, artists and musicians, has been greeted with withering derision. On Monday, an editorial in The Times weighed in, saying, "The egregious campaigns for a cultural boycott of Israel are stoking ugly, atavistic movements in Europe. These need to be confronted by civilized opinion. Israeli governments are fallible but the Jewish state is a force for democracy in a region that is short of it." Dr. Stephen Malnick, a British-born resident of Ashkelon, responded in a letter in Tuesday's Guardian: "As a citizen of Ashkelon who was nearly killed when a missile missed my car by a few meters, I have a message for artists with a selective communal conscience. I do not want you to visit my city and insult 120,000 people who were daily attacked in violation of international law." )2015-02-18 00:00:00Full Article
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