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Arab Israeli Facebook Star Blasts Kuwait for Boycotting Israel

(Times of Israel) David Sedley - Israeli Facebook star Nuseir Yassin, a Harvard graduate who has 2 million followers, was scheduled to fly from New York to India via Kuwait when he was told at JFK Airport that he would not be permitted to travel because Kuwait does not permit Israeli citizens to enter the country. In the Nas Daily Facebook video, Yassin slammed Kuwait's anti-Israel policy, saying the boycott only benefited the leaders, "not the Muslims and not the Jews." Furthermore, it was hypocritical for the country to profess to boycott Israel while using many Israeli products. "Dear Kuwait. If you want to boycott Israel, be my guest. Refuse me service. But also give me your USB flash drives, your phones, your safe driving cars, your Viber, your Waze or your anti-virus. This is also Israel."
2017-10-04 00:00:00
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