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With Their Repeated Rejections, Palestinians Risk Irrelevance

(Washington Free Beacon) Aaron Kliegman - In his speeches to the UN General Assembly in 2009, 2010, and 2011, President Obama focused 10%, 23%, and 18% of his remarks, respectively, on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In his last appearance at the UN in 2016, he devoted just one sentence to the issue. The drop-off is striking. The world is growing increasingly apathetic about the Palestinian plight. One reason is the surge in chaos across the Middle East unrelated to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A belligerent Iran on the march, the Islamic State wreaking havoc, the war in Syria showing the depths of humanity's cruelty - how much attention can political leaders give to the Palestinians with such priorities in the Middle East? Another reason is the stubbornness, the rejectionism, the Jew-hatred, and anti-Semitism of the Palestinians themselves. The Palestinian leadership's continued refusal to engage the Israelis in a serious way, coupled with its inability to create a productive society, has had a corrosive effect. Indeed, the Palestinians are making themselves increasingly irrelevant by rejecting every peace initiative. Considering the economic struggles in the Palestinian territories, it seems reasonable that the Palestinian leadership would at least consider the proposals presented at the Bahrain workshop that were meant to trigger investment in the Palestinian territories to improve the Palestinian economy and residents' quality of life. But the Palestinians would rather destroy Israel than create Palestine - that is why there is no peace and no two-state solution. The Palestinians have no one to blame but themselves.
2019-07-03 00:00:00
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