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Jews Are Becoming More, Not Less, Zionist

(Los Angeles Jewish Journal) Gil Troy - A few, marginalized, anti-Zionist Jews snare massive headlines, as the overwhelming majority of pro-Israel Jews abandon their delusions that Jew-hatred had ended. Accusing Israel of "colonial land theft" negates Jews' 3,500-year-old indigenous roots. Charging "ethnic cleansing" overlooks the UN's 1947 partition plan and every other compromise Palestinians rejected. And crying "genocide" perverts the word's meaning - eliminating another nation: the Palestinian population has quintupled since 1948. Most Jews had a Zionist awakening on Oct. 7, because they saw what victory looks like to the anti-Zionists - and what happens if we don't protect ourselves. In their bones, Jews recognized the sadistic Jew-hating glee motivating the Hamas terrorists - followed by waves of Gazans - raping, kidnapping, maiming, murdering. On April 13, the Iranians and their proxies launched 320 lethal reminders that thousands more would die without Israel's vigilant army. The Jewish - and Zionist - lesson is: First defend yourselves - survive! - then heal the world. Hillel the elder understood that too, saying, "If I am not for myself, who will be for me?" Zionists understand that Jews are a people, not just a religion, with millennia-old ties to one particular homeland, and the right to build a state in that homeland. The writer, a Distinguished Scholar of North American History at McGill University, is a Senior Fellow in Zionist Thought at the Jewish People Policy Institute.
2024-05-12 00:00:00
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