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Biden Administration Presses Allies Not to Confront Iran on Nuclear Program

(Wall Street Journal) Laurence Norman - The Biden administration is arguing against an effort by Britain and France to censure Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency's board meeting in early June, as it expands its stockpile of near-weapons-grade fissile material to a record level, diplomats said. The U.S. has pressed a number of countries to abstain in a censure vote, saying that is what Washington will do. On Monday, the IAEA reported that Iran's stockpile of 60% highly enriched uranium rose 20.6 kg. to 142.1 kg. as of May 11 from three months earlier, its highest level to date. U.S. officials say that material could be converted into weapons-grade enriched uranium in a matter of days and would be enough to fuel three nuclear weapons. European diplomats have warned that failure to take action would undermine the authority of the IAEA and weaken the credibility of Western pressure on Iran.
2024-05-28 00:00:00
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