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(Telegraph-UK) James Rothwell - 3/4 of Europe's Jewish community hide their identities as they fear being harassed or attacked by anti-Semites. Jews in EU member states are in the grip of a "rising tide of anti-Semitism, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) said. Across Europe, 76% said in a survey they hid their Jewish identity "at least occasionally," while 34% said they took care to avoid Jewish events or places as they did not feel "safe" there. Agency director Sirpa Rautio said, "Jews are more frightened than ever before." The agency's study found that 96% of European Jews encountered anti-Semitism in 2023. In France, 74% said they felt the ongoing Gaza war affected their sense of security. 80% said anti-Semitism had worsened in recent years. 4% said they had been the victims of physical anti-Semitic attacks in 2023, twice the number in a 2018 study. 2024-07-14 00:00:00Full Article
3/4 of Jewish People in Europe Hide Their Identity
(Telegraph-UK) James Rothwell - 3/4 of Europe's Jewish community hide their identities as they fear being harassed or attacked by anti-Semites. Jews in EU member states are in the grip of a "rising tide of anti-Semitism, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) said. Across Europe, 76% said in a survey they hid their Jewish identity "at least occasionally," while 34% said they took care to avoid Jewish events or places as they did not feel "safe" there. Agency director Sirpa Rautio said, "Jews are more frightened than ever before." The agency's study found that 96% of European Jews encountered anti-Semitism in 2023. In France, 74% said they felt the ongoing Gaza war affected their sense of security. 80% said anti-Semitism had worsened in recent years. 4% said they had been the victims of physical anti-Semitic attacks in 2023, twice the number in a 2018 study. 2024-07-14 00:00:00Full Article
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