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Strategic Issues to Discuss during Netanyahu's Visit to the U.S.

(Jerusalem Post) Lt.-Col. (res.) Amit Yagur - Prime Minister Netanyahu's current visit to the U.S. should be a platform for in-depth discussion with the U.S. on strategic issues. Iran has exploited the war in Gaza for a "nuclear rush." How does the U.S. intend to act to stop Iran and is it essential and feasible to carry out active Israeli-American action jointly? The U.S. and Israel do not see eye-to-eye on the "day after" the Gaza war. While the U.S. is pushing toward an independent Palestinian state, there is no Israeli public legitimacy for an independent Palestinian state, which was reinforced this week by a Knesset vote against such a state. Moreover, recent Palestinian polls show overwhelming Palestinian public support for Hamas, even in the West Bank. Control of the Philadelphi Corridor along the Gaza-Egypt border cannot be dealt with by technological means alone, given the proven problematic reliance on Egypt. What type of Israeli control is required to prevent misuse of the border again? The UN aid organization UNRWA served as a platform for Hamas terrorist elements to establish, disguise, and use UN infrastructure for terrorism. UNRWA essentially perpetuates the conflict rather than helps resolve it. How do we remove the UN and UNRWA from the "day after" equation? The writer is former Deputy Head of the Palestinian Arena in the IDF Planning Directorate.
2024-07-23 00:00:00
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