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The Criminal Court of Injustice

(Israel Hayom) Amb. Freddy Eytan - Two weeks after the hunt for Israelis in the streets of Amsterdam, the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague decided to issue arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant - a decision unprecedented in the history of the Free World. Everything is permitted in order to judge the Jewish state and its people. They dare to issue arrest warrants against the leaders of a democratic country, against a state where justice is implacable, and against a representative of a people who offered humanity the Ten Commandments. How can we put the leaders of a country that has been the victim of genocide and terrorist attacks on an equal footing with notorious criminals and barbarians who have sworn to continue to murder, rape, and take citizens hostage until Israel is completely wiped off the map? How can we trust international law and its institutions? Worse still, according to the ICC decision, every Israeli minister, officer, or soldier is now at risk of being detained and taken hostage by numerous courts around the world. Unfortunately, the decision of The Hague judges encourages Islamist leaders to continue terrorist acts. It gives the green light to all pro-Palestinians and critics to boycott the Jewish state and to demonstrate their hatred towards all Israelis. International reactions prove that antisemitism is omnipresent, injustice triumphs, and deception gains points. All political parties in Israel have united against the ICC decision. The Israeli people as a whole continue to defend their state against all universal injustices. The writer, a former Foreign Ministry senior adviser who served in Paris and Brussels and was Israel's first Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, is a fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs.
2024-11-26 00:00:00
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