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Israel-Lebanon: The Truce Is Fragile But Necessary

(Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs) Amb. Freddy Eytan - Hizbullah dares proclaim it achieved "a great victory" but it finds itself isolated. It has lost its leaders, a large part of its fighters, its powerful military arsenal, its destructive missiles, and, above all, the trust of the Lebanese. They can no longer count on Hizbullah to defend their country and live in security. Yet we know Hizbullah's true intentions. It will undoubtedly reorganize for a second round and continue the Islamist fight against the Jewish state. Israel is currently in a position of strength that can dictate the course of action and guarantee stability in the north of the country for many years. Israel must seize all opportunities and intervene quickly in the event of a violation. The writer, a former Foreign Ministry senior adviser who was Israel's first Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, is a fellow at the Jerusalem Center.
2024-12-03 00:00:00
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