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Lessons from the Israel-Hizbullah Ceasefire

(Atlantic) Stuart E. Eizenstat and Dennis Ross - Israel's use of force set the stage for the ceasefire between Israel and Hizbullah, brokered by the U.S. The Israel Defense Forces and Mossad acted decisively to decapitate Hizbullah's leadership; disrupt its command, control, and communications; destroy 80% of its rocket forces; and dismantle its weapons stocks and infrastructure - below- and aboveground. Israel also retaliated against Iran after its Oct. 1 missile attack on Israel, destroying Iran's strategic air and missile defense and 90% of its ballistic-missile-production capability. It reminded us once again of Henry Kissinger's maxim that you can achieve at the negotiating table only what you have won on the battlefield. The Israelis understood that they could not eliminate Hizbullah; instead, they aimed to ensure that Hizbullah could have no forces south of the Litani River and could not easily rearm there. The U.S. will also provide intelligence to monitor implementation of the agreement, and will chair the committee through which any violation will be immediately addressed. Israel has reportedly received assurances from the U.S. that, if violations are not reversed, it can act militarily. Stuart E. Eizenstat was President Jimmy Carter's chief domestic policy adviser and served as U.S. Ambassador to the EU. Dennis Ross is a former U.S. Envoy to the Middle East.
2024-12-05 00:00:00
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