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Beware of Iran's Dash to Nuclear Weapons

(Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs) Dr. Dan Diker - Gholamreza Sadeghian, editor-in-chief of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-affiliated newspaper Javan, published an article on October 26, 2024, in which he points to the growing sentiment within Iran to "go nuclear." Iran's Supreme Council of National Security has also called to re-evaluate the Supreme Leader's fatwa (religious ruling) against nuclear weapons "because circumstances have changed." In light of its recent setbacks with Hamas, Hizbullah and Syria, the IRGC and Iranian nuclear engineers are likely rushing efforts to develop deliverable nuclear weapons capability. Attaching a deliverable core device in the nosecones of Iran's existing substantial ballistic missile force remains complicated, but ultimately achievable. There are still enough true believers in the regime hierarchy who embrace the medieval theorem that an apocalypse will usher in the global "Golden Age" of Shiism. The West needs to internalize this risk and be prepared to act preemptively. The writer is President of the Jerusalem Center.
2024-12-12 00:00:00
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