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BBC "Portrayed Palestinian Gunmen Killed in Gaza as Innocent Civilians"

(Telegraph-UK) Patrick Sawer - Research by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA) found that in nearly 30 separate reports, BBC Arabic failed to give any indication that Palestinians killed in clashes with Israeli soldiers were fighters with terror groups such as Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). Researchers found that, during an 18-month period after August last year, there were 18 items in which BBC Arabic failed to report cases of Jewish civilians falling victim to Arab violence. A report in October described all 24 Israeli fatalities in the West Bank since the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks as "soldiers," when more than a third were civilians. In another 19 items, civilian hostages taken by Hamas were described as "prisoners of war" and Jewish fatalities as "settlers" - despite them living inside Israel's internationally recognized territory. A spokesman for CAMERA noted that "even when Hamas, the PIJ and Israel alike agree that a certain fatality was a combatant, the BBC opts not to mention this."
2024-12-15 00:00:00
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