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With One Eye on Gaza, Palestinian Authority Cracks Down on West Bank Militants

(Ha'aretz) Amos Harel - Unusually, at its initiative, the Palestinian Authority is currently dealing with a challenge to its control over the cities of the West Bank, beginning with Jenin. The PA action is viewed as an experiment in proof of capabilities, in the event that the PA's involvement in a future solution for rule in Gaza becomes possible. The Jenin refugee camp has been operating for over two decades as an autonomous bubble in which the PA has difficulty exercising its control. The true rulers of the camp were armed individuals identified with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah. For more than a week, the camp has been surrounded by hundreds of members of the PA's security units, which are conducting violent searches in about half its area. Three militants have been killed and more than 20 wounded; dozens more have been arrested. More than 50 explosive devices have been found, as well as four booby-trapped cars. The PA needs to try to exert its power, partly as proof of its capabilities in preparation for Gaza and also against the backdrop of the events in Syria, which are stoking the fires of dissent against the government not only in Iran and Jordan, but in the West Bank as well. An Israeli security source said, "Jenin is now a microcosmos of the whole West Bank. If the PA sputters there, its control in the entire region is in danger. All told, the units have legitimization to act at the moment. If they're successful in Jenin, it's likely that they will try to extend their activity to additional refugee camps in the north part of the West Bank. If they fail...that could signal the beginning of the end of their rule."
2024-12-22 00:00:00
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