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How Hizbullah's Losses Have Weakened Iran's Power and Influence

(60 Minutes-CBS News) Will Croxton - Sima Shine, a former Mossad analyst now at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, told "60 Minutes" that the assassination of Hizbullah head Nasrallah, and other leadership figures, was a devastating blow. "They are a completely different organization. They don't have the leadership, and the leadership is not only Nasrallah. It's the whole people around him, going with him, 30 years together....[They're] not capable of organizing themselves the way that they've been before." "Their strength today is completely different in the political sphere. Everybody that is opposing Hizbullah believes that Hizbullah is actually fulfilling orders of Iran and not the interest of Lebanon....The broader [Iranian] strategic picture is a huge failure of the whole strategy that was built in the last two, three decades. Everything they have planned...to keep the world far away from Iran's territory actually failed."
2024-12-24 00:00:00
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