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Behind Israel's Dismantling of Hizbullah

(New York Times) Mark Mazzetti - Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah did not believe that Israel would kill him. In his view, Israel had no interest in a full-scale war. What he did not realize was that Israeli spy agencies were tracking his every movement - and had been doing so for years. A New York Times investigation, based on interviews with more than two dozen current and former Israeli, American and European officials, reveals how Israeli spies had near constant visibility into the movements of Hizbullah leaders. In 2012, Israel's Unit 8200 - the equivalent of the U.S. National Security Agency - stole a trove of information, including specifics of the leaders' secret hide-outs and the group's arsenal of missiles and rockets. Prior to the 2006 war, an operation planted tracking devices on Hizbullah's Fajr missiles that gave Israel information about munitions hidden inside secret military bases, civilian storage facilities and private homes. During the war, the Israeli Air Force bombed the sites, destroying the missiles. As Hizbullah rebuilt after the 2006 war, the Mossad recruited people in Lebanon to help Hizbullah build secret facilities after the war, thereby learning the locations of hide-outs.
2024-12-29 00:00:00
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