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How Israeli Arab Leaders Betray Their Own People

(Gatestone Institute) Khaled Abu Toameh - Over the past few years, Hamas has called on the two million Arab citizens of Israel to revolt against their own country and join the Jihad against Israel. While Hamas's attempts were partially successful in May 2021, when some Arabs attacked their Jewish neighbors, after the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas-led attack on Israel, the Arab citizens of Israel have not only refrained from engaging in violent acts but have denounced the atrocities. A poll conducted after Oct. 7 showed that 68% of the Arab citizens of Israel believe that the attack did not reflect Arab society's values, the Palestinian people, and the Islamic nation. The poll also found that 86% support helping out with civilian volunteering efforts during the war between Israel and Hamas, while 70% reported that they feel part of Israel and its problems. A survey conducted by the Moshe Dayan Center at Tel Aviv University found that 57% of Israeli Arabs believe that Hamas intentionally targeted civilians, including women and children, during the Oct. 7 onslaught. At least 54% approve of Arab Israelis taking part in the efforts to explain Israel's position in the war to the world. However, some Israeli Arab leaders continue to act against the interests of their own people, taking advantage of the country's democratic system to engage in anti-Israel rhetoric. These Israeli Arab leaders are causing huge damage to their own constituents. These leaders make the Israeli Arabs look as if they are a "Fifth Column" - an enemy within - stoking fear and mistrust between Jews and Arabs inside Israel, while ignoring that most Israeli Arabs say they feel comfortable living in the Jewish state. At least 23 Arab Israeli citizens were murdered by Hamas terrorists during the attack on Oct. 7 or by Hamas rocket attacks in the ensuing days. Most of the victims were Bedouin residents. Moreover, several Bedouin men and women were abducted by Hamas. If Israeli Arabs want to secure a prosperous future for themselves and their children, they need to get rid of extremist Arab leaders who speak and act against the interests of the Arab community inside Israel. If these Arab leaders are unhappy living in Israel, they are welcome to move to the West Bank, Gaza or any Arab country - where they will quickly miss Israel's democracy and freedom of speech. The writer, a veteran Israeli journalist, is a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute and the Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs.
2024-12-29 00:00:00
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