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(Civitas Outlook-University of Texas at Austin) Richard M. Reinsch II - In recent months, Israel has restored its territorial integrity and national pride after the massacre on October 7, 2023, of nearly 1,200 citizens, the wounding of 3,300 others, and the abduction of 240 people as hostages by Hamas. Israel fully understands that the defense of the country remains a vital necessity in a world of ceaseless Islamic terrorism. However, what also emerged soon after Israel began pursuing its war aims against Hamas and Hizbullah was opposition from vital Western countries. Both the governing elite of Europe and certain politicians in America have morally condemned Israel for disproportionate responses to the terrorist attack. Guiding these elites' reactions and judgment is an ideology that dethrones patriotism and the defense of one's national home, leaving them incapable of understanding a country for whom defense means winning a war, imposing terms on the enemy, and bringing peace to its people. What French political theorist Pierre Manent calls "the religion of humanity" rests at the heart of the contemporary European Union. It requires ignoring real differences in cultures, religions, and forms of government. This ignores the reality that the nation, filled with law, culture, and historical memory, is a necessary component of democratic government. A Europe and a West retreating from the political nation will only be confused by a nation that insists on defending itself. Manent observes that the "political role of Israel exposes our naive dreams of global unification." The Muslim world rejects Israel for theological and political reasons. In March 2024, President Biden threatened to withhold certain weapons if Israel invaded Rafah. There were even hints from the administration that Israel was engaging in war crimes, although the portions of international law that had been violated were never cited. The result was a delay, as Israel, aware of international opinion turned against it, deliberated what to do next. The outcome took longer than needed - which, paradoxically, likely occasioned more civilian casualties than would have occurred without U.S. pressure. One of the Biden administration's last dictates to Israel was to increase food shipments to Gaza (despite widespread knowledge that Hamas was intercepting food shipments) or risk America withholding future military funding. Left unsaid was how any of these shipments would actually reach Gaza civilians instead of the remnants of Hamas, given that most civilians have evacuated the area. There is no international legal warrant for a belligerent nation to take such action unless you are Israel.2024-12-29 00:00:00Full Article
Israel Among the Nations
(Civitas Outlook-University of Texas at Austin) Richard M. Reinsch II - In recent months, Israel has restored its territorial integrity and national pride after the massacre on October 7, 2023, of nearly 1,200 citizens, the wounding of 3,300 others, and the abduction of 240 people as hostages by Hamas. Israel fully understands that the defense of the country remains a vital necessity in a world of ceaseless Islamic terrorism. However, what also emerged soon after Israel began pursuing its war aims against Hamas and Hizbullah was opposition from vital Western countries. Both the governing elite of Europe and certain politicians in America have morally condemned Israel for disproportionate responses to the terrorist attack. Guiding these elites' reactions and judgment is an ideology that dethrones patriotism and the defense of one's national home, leaving them incapable of understanding a country for whom defense means winning a war, imposing terms on the enemy, and bringing peace to its people. What French political theorist Pierre Manent calls "the religion of humanity" rests at the heart of the contemporary European Union. It requires ignoring real differences in cultures, religions, and forms of government. This ignores the reality that the nation, filled with law, culture, and historical memory, is a necessary component of democratic government. A Europe and a West retreating from the political nation will only be confused by a nation that insists on defending itself. Manent observes that the "political role of Israel exposes our naive dreams of global unification." The Muslim world rejects Israel for theological and political reasons. In March 2024, President Biden threatened to withhold certain weapons if Israel invaded Rafah. There were even hints from the administration that Israel was engaging in war crimes, although the portions of international law that had been violated were never cited. The result was a delay, as Israel, aware of international opinion turned against it, deliberated what to do next. The outcome took longer than needed - which, paradoxically, likely occasioned more civilian casualties than would have occurred without U.S. pressure. One of the Biden administration's last dictates to Israel was to increase food shipments to Gaza (despite widespread knowledge that Hamas was intercepting food shipments) or risk America withholding future military funding. Left unsaid was how any of these shipments would actually reach Gaza civilians instead of the remnants of Hamas, given that most civilians have evacuated the area. There is no international legal warrant for a belligerent nation to take such action unless you are Israel.2024-12-29 00:00:00Full Article
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