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The Mob Surrounding the Three Israeli Women Hostages Were Well-Fed, Well-Groomed and Well-Dressed - Disproving the Lie of Genocide in Gaza

(Substack) Melanie Phillips - To all those in the West who have perpetrated the lie of Israeli genocide in Gaza for the past 15 months: look at the pictures of the mob surrounding the three Israel women hostages who were freed today, and see thousands of Gazans who are well-fed, well-groomed and well-dressed. Look at that horrifying footage of those Gaza mobs, those enormous potential lynch mobs jeering and threatening the three Israeli women as they were handed over to the Red Cross - the same mobs who abused the live hostages and desecrated the bodies of the murdered ones when they were all dragged into Gaza after the Oct. 7 massacre. Then tell us all again that the vast majority of Palestinian Arabs in Gaza are innocent civilians and victims of the Israelis. Listen to those mobs chanting ecstatically for the murder of Jews in a repetition of the slaughter of Jews by Islam's founder Mohammed in 7th century Khybar. Look at the thousands who have emerged in Hamas uniform and armed to the teeth, vowing to carry out more and more Oct. 7 massacres until every Jew is dead and Israel is destroyed. This hostage negotiation was more akin to a mafia-style hit-job forcing Israel under unimaginable pressure to release dozens of men who have slaughtered Israeli Jews over the years, who left hundreds of families permanently bereaved and shattered and are now being released to do it all again. The writer is a columnist for The Times-UK.
2025-01-21 00:00:00
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