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The Holocaust Cannot Be Hijacked to Describe Other Conflicts

(Telegraph-UK) Charles Moore - Nowadays, the Holocaust is often hijacked as a rhetorical tool to describe other conflicts. Yet, there is something unique about antisemitism. No other racism is so persistent or so virulent. The Holocaust was not an act of war. It was the "final solution" of a political theory that the Jews are the source of evil in the world. Evidence that this belief still exists and still kills is in front of our faces. The Hamas massacres of Oct. 7 in Israel were not a military land-grab. They were an attempt to murder, or kidnap for further torment, any Israeli they could find. In the talk recorded on the body cameras of the exultant assassins, it was explicitly "the Jews" they were after: they were not soldiers fighting a military enemy. The writer, a member of the House of Lords, is a former editor of the Daily Telegraph, the Spectator, and the Sunday Telegraph.
2025-01-28 00:00:00
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