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The World Doesn't Care about Gazans

(Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs) Lt.-Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch - The lives of Gazans don't matter to the fake "humanitarian" community unless they can be weaponized against the Jews and the Jewish state. These humanitarians accused Israel of imposing a "siege" on Gaza. Despite the siege, the Gazan terrorists never seemed to run out of mortars and rockets to launch indiscriminately at Israel's civilian population. The Gazans also were able to build modern high-rise buildings and exclusive villa communities, and were miraculously capable of importing heavy construction and engineering equipment to dig hundreds of kilometers of terror tunnels. 6,000 marauding Gazans invaded Israel, murdered 1,200 people, and took over 250 people hostage. The terrorists also fired thousands of rockets, destroyed nine out of the ten power lines carrying electricity into the Strip, and destroyed the land crossings. In stark contrast to any other war, the international community never seriously called on Egypt to open its doors to the fleeing Gazan refugees. The world was oblivious to the fact that the Gazans were trapped. The fact is that the fake humanitarians, the states that allegedly care about the Gazans, and the UN mechanisms do not give a damn about the Gazans. They would be more than content to see the Gazans living in a demolition site Their only concern is that the Gazans continue to suffer so that they can be weaponized against Israel. The writer, former director of the Military Prosecution in Judea and Samaria, is director of the Palestinian Authority Accountability Initiative at the Jerusalem Center.
2025-02-18 00:00:00
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