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What Is the Cost of Arab Hate for Israel and Jews?

(Times of Israel) Samuel M. Edelman - The Arab and Islamic world needs to confront the cost to Arab society of its unrelenting pursuit of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel hatred. The pursuit of unrelenting hatred of Jews and their only country by Iran, Hamas, the Houthis, and Hizbullah is what led to the attack on Israel on Oct. 7. For more than 100 years, Arab, Turkish, Syrian, and Iranian governments, Islamic militants including the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda, ISIS, various Shi'ite militias and Iranian proxies, as well as Palestinian Arabs, have waged war against both Israel and the Jewish people. This warfare includes a propaganda war, an academic war, economic and intellectual boycotts, a war using the UN and various so-called humanitarian and aid organizations, and a media war. The Arab world population in 2023 was over 473 million (5.9% of the world population) in 22 nations that make up the Arab League. About twenty million Arabs live abroad. The worldwide Jewish population in 2024 is just 16 million (0.2% of the world population), with 7.6 million Jews in Israel. Why does such a small Jewish population get so much attention? Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hizbullah, al-Qaeda, and ISIS have all portrayed Jews and Israel as the root of all the bad that has befallen the Arab and Islamic world. They have made their hatred of Jews an integral part of their religion, culture, history, and policy. They have squandered billions of dollars and thousands of lives pursuing their lovingly cultivated hatred. So, my questions for my Arab brothers and sisters are simple ones. What is the cost of your hate for Israel and Jews? Are you better off because of all of the war, destruction, and chaos caused by your inability to simply say that you will live in peace and accept as a neighbor the indigenous Jews living in the Land of Israel? The writer is former executive director of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East.
2025-02-20 00:00:00
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