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(The Times-UK) Matthew Syed - During a visit to the West Bank, things became darker when the conversation turned to politics. (I didn't mention my profession as a journalist, and flashed my driving license to gain their trust: Syed is a holy name in Islamic tradition.) When I asked Saif - thirtyish, wide smile - his view of a two-state solution, he responded: "I want a one-state solution. We have to destroy Israel and get rid of the Jews." At a checkpoint, I spoke to Abdullah, who said: "Within five years, Israel will be gone and the Jews destroyed. It is Allah's will. Nothing can prevent it." Of the 15 people I spoke to in the West Bank, 13 rejected a two-state solution and 12 were supporters of Hamas. A majority also held the Palestinian Authority in contempt, not least for its corruption. When I pointed out the venality of the leaders of Hamas - living in hotel suites in Doha, their wives carrying designer handbags - one man replied: "At least they are committed to the eradication of Israel." On the main drag in old Bethlehem, I came across a toy shop whose frontage - featuring what I inferred to be the most popular goodies - was adorned with plastic replicas of AK-47s, machetes and hand grenades. I looked on in horrified fascination as a child, perhaps seven, pulled at his mother's robe before she gave in to his demands, buying one of the machine guns, doubtless perceiving it as an expression of maternal love. The longer I stayed in the West Bank, the more I shook my head at the shallow pieties of Western politicians who trot out "two-state solution" and "Palestinian aspirations." Do they not see that the provision of any additional funds, land or aid will lead to the escalation of bloody jihad, as so often in the past? We must acknowledge what Richard Dawkins calls the "virus of fundamentalism," a phrase that came to me while watching masked murderers posing with the coffins of Israeli children in that grotesque charade of a hostage release on Thursday, surrounded by Gazan children and cheering crowds. 2025-02-23 00:00:00Full Article
A Two-State Solution Is a Lost Cause
(The Times-UK) Matthew Syed - During a visit to the West Bank, things became darker when the conversation turned to politics. (I didn't mention my profession as a journalist, and flashed my driving license to gain their trust: Syed is a holy name in Islamic tradition.) When I asked Saif - thirtyish, wide smile - his view of a two-state solution, he responded: "I want a one-state solution. We have to destroy Israel and get rid of the Jews." At a checkpoint, I spoke to Abdullah, who said: "Within five years, Israel will be gone and the Jews destroyed. It is Allah's will. Nothing can prevent it." Of the 15 people I spoke to in the West Bank, 13 rejected a two-state solution and 12 were supporters of Hamas. A majority also held the Palestinian Authority in contempt, not least for its corruption. When I pointed out the venality of the leaders of Hamas - living in hotel suites in Doha, their wives carrying designer handbags - one man replied: "At least they are committed to the eradication of Israel." On the main drag in old Bethlehem, I came across a toy shop whose frontage - featuring what I inferred to be the most popular goodies - was adorned with plastic replicas of AK-47s, machetes and hand grenades. I looked on in horrified fascination as a child, perhaps seven, pulled at his mother's robe before she gave in to his demands, buying one of the machine guns, doubtless perceiving it as an expression of maternal love. The longer I stayed in the West Bank, the more I shook my head at the shallow pieties of Western politicians who trot out "two-state solution" and "Palestinian aspirations." Do they not see that the provision of any additional funds, land or aid will lead to the escalation of bloody jihad, as so often in the past? We must acknowledge what Richard Dawkins calls the "virus of fundamentalism," a phrase that came to me while watching masked murderers posing with the coffins of Israeli children in that grotesque charade of a hostage release on Thursday, surrounded by Gazan children and cheering crowds. 2025-02-23 00:00:00Full Article
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