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Their Time Is Up

(Tablet) Liel Leibovitz - Many of the Israeli hostages who return tell of being held captive by ordinary families, abused and tormented not by bearded zealots with guns but by mothers and fathers and daughters and sons. Such gleeful cruelty has no parallel in the civilized world. The assertion that most, or even many, Gazans are innocents hijacked by their tyrannical leaders is a polite fiction. Support for Hamas grew the more adept they proved at slaughtering the Jews. Enough with the sophistry about international laws and human rights. We've seen the UN, the International Court of Justice, and the Red Cross. To take any of these decrepit and callous concubines of evildoers seriously is not an option any morally or intellectually serious person should ever entertain. Enough also with the insufferable ululations about Jewish morality which has mercy on the monsters who devour our children. The very next holiday on the Jewish calendar, Purim, is a celebration of the time when Jews realized that justice meant not only reversing Haman's evil decree but forced all those who were only too eager to partake in the slaughter to face the consequences of their actions. Like them, we, too, are fighting millions of little Hamans, murderous marauders who will grow emboldened the more we offer them mercy. Gazans aren't long-suffering innocents who had the misfortune of living through decades of Hamas indoctrination. They're faithful adherents of a stern interpretation of a religion who believe there is glory in putting the enemies of God to the sword. We must insist that their hands be nowhere near our necks.
2025-02-25 00:00:00
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