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Hamas Must Meet Its End

(Times of Israel) Dr. Qanta A. Ahmed - Though I am not Israeli, and I am not Jewish, the anguish of the Bibas family is mine. This unforgivable crime, perpetrated on infant Jews and their mother, clarifies to the world the depravity of Hamas and the Palestinian civilians who abducted them. Palestinians appeal for the world's mercy, aid, intervention, humanity, yet you gather around the tiny Bibas coffins in a ghoulish display. You cheer and gawk and parade, defiling even corpses of babies. Your hatred dehumanizes you. Hamas was not alone. Countless survivors and eyewitnesses have testified to me that Palestinian civilians joyously participated in this atrocity. And because you are Muslim, you stain me. We have tolerated the intolerable. The violence, debasement, and gratuitous mutilation of the Jewish person in life and even after death, the sexual violation of women, the taking of civilians as hostages and their maltreatment in captivity, all are profound violations of all Islamic values and a stain upon all Islam. Those Muslims who support Hamas are accomplices. The time for Hamas to meet its Maker has arrived. The writer, a British-American Muslim, is Associate Professor of Medicine at the State University of New York and an Honorary Fellow at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.
2025-02-25 00:00:00
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