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(JNS) Jonathan S. Tobin - During the past few decades, the Palestinian education system, media and popular culture have been drenched in intransigent and virulent hatred for Jews and Israel. It has valorized brutal terrorism and a cult of death. There are times when evidence demands that we stop pretending that there aren't some clear differences between national cultures. Hateful collective behavior in which large numbers of people participate and are sanctioned by their leaders and institutions is the sort of thing that cannot be ignored. Rather than work with the returning Jews to share the country in a way that would have benefited both peoples, the Palestinians preferred to reject compromise. They have found it impossible to move beyond their futile quest to destroy Israel. They created a culture in which spilling Jewish blood has been the only way for political organizations to gain credibility. The latest Palestinian celebration of terror and hate should force members of the civilized world to stop giving them a pass for their behavior. There may well be many Palestinian individuals who are appalled by what their society is doing, including to their own people. It's also true that resisting Hamas and the other terror organizations would be difficult and extremely dangerous. When it comes to the Palestinians, all of the well-meaning rhetoric about common humanity was defeated by a collective mindset that demonized Jews. This obliges us to be honest about their national culture and demand that it be changed before they are allowed to have any power to inflict further harm on others or themselves. The Palestinians will never change until the civilized world stops coddling them and making excuses for their culture of death, hate and intransigent dedication to perpetual war on the Jews.2025-02-25 00:00:00Full Article
The Unavoidable Necessity to Draw Conclusions about Palestinian Arab Society
(JNS) Jonathan S. Tobin - During the past few decades, the Palestinian education system, media and popular culture have been drenched in intransigent and virulent hatred for Jews and Israel. It has valorized brutal terrorism and a cult of death. There are times when evidence demands that we stop pretending that there aren't some clear differences between national cultures. Hateful collective behavior in which large numbers of people participate and are sanctioned by their leaders and institutions is the sort of thing that cannot be ignored. Rather than work with the returning Jews to share the country in a way that would have benefited both peoples, the Palestinians preferred to reject compromise. They have found it impossible to move beyond their futile quest to destroy Israel. They created a culture in which spilling Jewish blood has been the only way for political organizations to gain credibility. The latest Palestinian celebration of terror and hate should force members of the civilized world to stop giving them a pass for their behavior. There may well be many Palestinian individuals who are appalled by what their society is doing, including to their own people. It's also true that resisting Hamas and the other terror organizations would be difficult and extremely dangerous. When it comes to the Palestinians, all of the well-meaning rhetoric about common humanity was defeated by a collective mindset that demonized Jews. This obliges us to be honest about their national culture and demand that it be changed before they are allowed to have any power to inflict further harm on others or themselves. The Palestinians will never change until the civilized world stops coddling them and making excuses for their culture of death, hate and intransigent dedication to perpetual war on the Jews.2025-02-25 00:00:00Full Article
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