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"Palestine" Has Proven Again It Is a Death Cult of Lies

(New York Post) Melanie Phillips - What kind of people would want to murder a baby and a toddler? What kind of people would exult over their coffins, as they cheered in a grisly open-air carnival of murderous hatred? Such behavior is not confined to Hamas. Palestinian Arabs in general have systematically targeted Jewish children and adults for barbaric and sadistic slaughter and mutilation. In 2000, two Israeli soldiers took a wrong turn and drove into Ramallah in the West Bank. They were dragged into a police station where they were murdered. One of the bodies was then thrown out the window to the mob that had gathered outside, which tore the body to shreds. In 2004, Arab terrorists opened fire on the Hatuel family's car near their home in Gaza when Jews still lived there. They murdered at close range Tali Hatuel, who was eight months pregnant, and her four daughters, ages 11, 9, 7 and 2. In 2011, five members of the Israeli Fogel family, including 11- and 4-year-old boys and a 3-month-old baby, were massacred in their beds by two terrorists from a neighboring Arab village. In 1929, Arab mobs massacred more than 70 Jews in Hebron. Albert Londres wrote of how these mobs behaved toward 50 of those Jews who tried to find refuge inside a bank. "They cut off hands, they cut off fingers, they held heads over a stove, they gouged out eyes....They mutilated the men. They shoved 13-year-old girls, mothers, and grandmothers into the blood and raped them in unison." The same kind of utterly depraved behavior is regularly exhibited by the Islamists of ISIS and al-Qaeda. Islamism is a death cult. So is its "Palestinian" offshoot. Inverting truth and lies, victim and aggressor, the West is unable to see the Palestinian cause for the evil that it is. As the West's cultural elites undermine and hollow out their own civilization, the Islamist death cult is moving in for the kill - with the Palestinian Arabs creating the Trojan Horse of the Middle East. The writer is a columnist for The Times-UK.
2025-02-27 00:00:00
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