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Video: We Must Cease Deluding Ourselves that a Two-State Solution Is Available Now

(X) Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch - Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch said Friday: This was the week that finally ended the hope - at least in my lifetime - for a Palestinian and a Jewish state coexisting side-by-side. The Palestinians themselves strangled this fragile hope in its crib. I am committed to peace and coexistence and have been my entire life. Even after the Palestinians rejected the state offered to them at Camp David on practically all the territory they said they wanted, and then launched a brutal killing spree in the restaurants, schools, hospitals, busses and streets of Israel, even then, I never gave up hope for a Palestinian state living by Israel's side in peace - until this week. But until such time as the Palestinians themselves say they want peaceful coexistence, we must cease deluding ourselves that a two-state solution is available now. It is harmful to us and to the Palestinians themselves, who are deprived of the international support they need to create a culture of moderation and toleration, educating their children to love peace rather than hate Jews. The writer, senior rabbi of Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York City, served as executive director of the Association of Reform Zionists of America.
2025-03-02 00:00:00
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