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Gaza - The Day After and the Way Forward

(MEMRI) Col. (ret.) Yigal Carmon - The media are talking about the day after the Gaza war as if it will be characterized by a political solution for peace. This is the last thing that will be possible after the war ends. Arab positions have become severely radicalized because the war in Gaza and on Israel's northern border have given rise to new hope in the hearts of the Palestinians and the Arabs, based on the belief that Israel is not as strong as they thought. The Arabs have also learned that taking hostages is a strategic weapon and in any future war this weapon will be used. In addition, the Arabs have learned that the use of Arab civilians as human shields is highly effective against Israel and similar foes. This is because the Western world does not blame Hamas for taking hostages and using their own people as human shields, but blames Israel for fighting for its life. All this has given the Arabs and Palestinians new hope. It is not yet the time to make peace - only temporary arrangements. The writer, former counter-terrorism advisor to two Israeli prime ministers, is founder and president of the Middle East Media Research Institute.
2025-03-04 00:00:00
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