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(Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs) Dr. Dan Diker - Ambassador Dore Gold, among Israel's great scholar-diplomats, was a consummate scholar of Israel, the Middle East, and U.S.-Israel relations. His scholarly career in Israel began at Tel Aviv University's Jaffee Center, where he ran the U.S.-Israel Defense Project. He served as an advisor to then-Deputy Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Madrid Conference in 1991. He pioneered a revival of Gen. Yigal Alon's "defensible borders" concept and prevailed upon Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to include defensible borders in an American letter endorsing Israel's security needs provided by President George W. Bush on April 14, 2004, in exchange for Israel's withdrawal from Gaza. Representing Israel at the UN, he summarized the UN's hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy in Tower of Babble: How the United Nations Has Fueled Global Chaos (2004). He hosted an event at the UN showing Israel's millennia of archaeological history with artifacts from the First and Second Temple periods proving the Jewish people's profound connection to the Land of Israel since antiquity. He documented this in his 2007 bestseller The Fight for Jerusalem: Radical Islam, the West, and the Future of the Holy City. In 2009, his bestselling book, The Rise of Nuclear Iran: How Tehran Defies the West, warned Israel and the world about the Iranian regime's deceptive diplomacy. Dore's visionary approach to Israel's national security, his scholarship, and diplomatic finesse was only matched by his consummate personal integrity. He displayed the qualities of a true gentleman of an era gone by. He also paved a new pathway for Israelis of American descent to play essential roles in Israel's national security and foreign policies and its international diplomacy. We at the Jerusalem Center are dedicated to continuing his legacy of embracing Arab allies and securing Israel's borders while battling the disinformation, delegitimization and defamation of Israel.2025-03-04 00:00:00Full Article
Remembering Dore Gold - Visionary Scholar-Diplomat
(Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs) Dr. Dan Diker - Ambassador Dore Gold, among Israel's great scholar-diplomats, was a consummate scholar of Israel, the Middle East, and U.S.-Israel relations. His scholarly career in Israel began at Tel Aviv University's Jaffee Center, where he ran the U.S.-Israel Defense Project. He served as an advisor to then-Deputy Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Madrid Conference in 1991. He pioneered a revival of Gen. Yigal Alon's "defensible borders" concept and prevailed upon Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to include defensible borders in an American letter endorsing Israel's security needs provided by President George W. Bush on April 14, 2004, in exchange for Israel's withdrawal from Gaza. Representing Israel at the UN, he summarized the UN's hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy in Tower of Babble: How the United Nations Has Fueled Global Chaos (2004). He hosted an event at the UN showing Israel's millennia of archaeological history with artifacts from the First and Second Temple periods proving the Jewish people's profound connection to the Land of Israel since antiquity. He documented this in his 2007 bestseller The Fight for Jerusalem: Radical Islam, the West, and the Future of the Holy City. In 2009, his bestselling book, The Rise of Nuclear Iran: How Tehran Defies the West, warned Israel and the world about the Iranian regime's deceptive diplomacy. Dore's visionary approach to Israel's national security, his scholarship, and diplomatic finesse was only matched by his consummate personal integrity. He displayed the qualities of a true gentleman of an era gone by. He also paved a new pathway for Israelis of American descent to play essential roles in Israel's national security and foreign policies and its international diplomacy. We at the Jerusalem Center are dedicated to continuing his legacy of embracing Arab allies and securing Israel's borders while battling the disinformation, delegitimization and defamation of Israel.2025-03-04 00:00:00Full Article
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