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The Passing of Dr. Dore Gold

(X-Hebrew) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - My wife Sara and I deeply mourn the passing of Dr. Dore Gold, a prolific academic researcher, brilliant Israeli diplomat and close personal friend. Dore accompanied me for over three decades as a dedicated public servant without peer. Dore was multi-talented and served as a diplomatic adviser, Israeli Ambassador to the UN and Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was endowed with a unique intellectual integrity, working ability and a genuine love for the State of Israel. He also had a fervent Zionist vision and a sharp analytical ability that was beneficial for Israel in the international arena. A prominent example of this, one of many, was his contribution to achieving the Abraham Accords with Arab countries. His informative books clearly show the just path of the State of Israel. Our country will miss Dore. May his memory be blessed.
2025-03-04 00:00:00
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