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Iran Must Meet Strict Preconditions before Negotiations on a New Nuclear Agreement

(Jerusalem Post) Mark Dubowitz and Jacob Nagel - During Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent visit to Washington, while much of the public focus was on Gaza, the most critical discussions behind closed doors centered on the Iranian threat - the regime's nuclear ambitions, its regional aggression, and its sponsorship of terrorism. Any talk of negotiating a new nuclear agreement before Iran meets strict preconditions is a dangerous mistake. The focus must be on what Iran must do before any talks begin. For years, Iran has systematically violated international agreements, deceived inspectors, and developed nuclear capabilities under the cover of diplomacy. Any agreement must dismantle all three pillars of Iran's nuclear program: fissile material production - Iran must eliminate its stockpiles of enriched uranium, destroy its centrifuges, and shut down all conversion and enrichment facilities; weaponization - Iran must halt all weapon development activities, fully disclose past work, and dismantle research centers working on nuclear warhead technology; and delivery systems - Iran's ballistic missile program, which is designed for nuclear payloads, must be stopped. Iran must not be allowed to retain any nuclear capabilities on its soil. The only acceptable outcome is Iran's complete nuclear rollback, enforced by intrusive inspections. Given the high likelihood that Iran will reject such preconditions to start a negotiation process, Israel must prepare for a large-scale campaign to neutralize the Iranian nuclear threat. The time for diplomacy ended the moment Iran violated its commitments and raced toward nuclear breakout. Mark Dubowitz is chief executive of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Brig.-Gen. (res.) Prof. Jacob Nagel served as National Security Advisor to Prime Minister Netanyahu and as acting head of Israel's National Security Council.
2025-03-11 00:00:00
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