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Our Choice between "Never Again" and "Again"

(Times of Israel) Amb. Michael Oren - In proclaiming "Never again," many Israelis are no longer referring to the Final Solution, but to the onslaught of Oct. 7 and the hostages' enduring ordeal. Restoring Israel's credibility as the guarantor of Jewish survival is our most fateful challenge today. We must alter our strategic thinking. We must no longer permit terrorist armies to amass anywhere near our borders. On each, we must reestablish and significantly expand security zones. We must re-instill the knowledge that murderers of Jews are nowhere safe. Above all, we must act to prevent the enemies dedicated to our destruction from acquiring the means to achieve it. Israel cannot co-exist with military-grade nuclear facilities in Iran. The writer is a former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. and Deputy Minister for Diplomacy.
2025-03-13 00:00:00
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