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150 Syrian Druze Notables Visit Israel

(Jerusalem Post) Ohad Merlin - A delegation of over 150 Druze clerics and dignitaries visited holy sites in Israel on Friday and Saturday, marking the first time since 1974 that such a delegation crossed the border. Their visit included Nebi Shu'ayb (the Tomb of Jethro) near Karnei Hittim in the Galilee, as well as warm reception ceremonies with their Israeli brethren. Druze Member of Knesset Hamed Amar described the visit: "It was a warm welcome. The Druze are all connected everywhere they are, like one big family. Many of those who crossed the border have immediate families on the Israeli side. They were welcomed warmly and lovingly; it was a very moving meeting." Amar recalled that the demilitarization agreement with Syria following the Yom Kippur War had halted such visits, separating families on both sides of the border. "This was first and foremost a religious, social, and communal visit, nothing to do with politics," Amar stressed. "We just renewed a measure that existed in the past, as the holiest place for the Druze is located near Tiberias." "It was like a holiday for us. We haven't met them for so long, and some of us have never even met them at all," adding that he did not experience any suspicion despite the long years. "Just as Jews see themselves committed to all Jews around the globe - so are us Druze committed to our brethren." Amar is not optimistic about the current regime in Syria. "The ones who seized power in Syria are ISIS, nothing less," he stressed. "Whitewashing this is wrong and misleading; they are an extremist ISIS regime. I hope and believe that the Druze will know how to protect and defend themselves from them, and if necessary, Israel should lend a hand." "We must not tolerate an Oct. 7-like situation nor allow ISIS to settle on our borders. This is an issue of national security for Israel, and it must not be allowed."
2025-03-16 00:00:00
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